Code of Conduct für Lieferanten der Pankl Racing Systems AG | |
Code of Conduct for suppliers of Pankl Racing Systems AG | |
Bemusterungsleitfaden für Lieferanten der Pankl Systems Austria GmbH, Drivetrain Systems | |
Initial sampling for suppliers of Pankl Systems Austria GmbH, Drivetrain Systems | |
General sales conditions (English) | |
General sales conditions (German) | |
General sales conditions (Slovak) | |
General conditions of purchase (English) | |
General conditions of purchase (German) | |
General conditions of purchase (Slovak) | |
General Terms and Conditions Purchasing Goods Pankl Aerospace Systems USA | |
General Terms and Conditions Purchasing Services Pankl Aerospace Systems USA | |
Quality Assurance Agreement (German) | |
Quality Assurance Agreement (English) | |
Quality Assurance Agreement (Slovak) | |
Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung | |
Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung (English) | |
Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung (Slovak) | |
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für Dienstleistungen | |