parts for engine and transmission oil pumps
In terms of their precision, stability of form, durability and the strength of the components, engine and transmission oil pumps place high demands on the components in the flow area. Depending on the required strength and tribological properties, a number of sintered materials and surface or hardening treatments come into question.
The portfolio includes rotors for geared pumps, G-rotor and crescent pumps, both fixed displacement and variable external and internal geared pumps with various types of meshing gears as well as rotors and guides for variable vane pumps and piston pumps.
High density gear wheels
Size and cost-optimised backlash-free gear wheel systems must meet demanding requirements regarding strength. Moreover, they must be precise and highly durable.
In addition to various hardening methods, SHW uses the special X-Size densification method to create highly durable, low-noise engine gear wheels.
This creates a highly durable piece whose surface quality approaches the full density of steel.
The portfolio includes split-gear systems but also drive wheels for eBike motors.
Components for camshaft phasers
Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are reduced by the use of high-precision camshaft phaser components, such as stators and rotors. Using sintered moulded parts, the requirements for camshaft phaser systems, such as phasing performance, precision and efficiency in minimum space, can be economically realised – whether for hydraulic or electromechanical camshaft systems.
The portfolio includes rotors, stators, belts and chain wheel stators as well as gear stators for camshaft phaser systems with and without balancing.
The materials developed to meet the robust demands placed on engines are noted for their high durability.
The fundamental advantages of aluminum, such as its light weight, its mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, help to reduce CO2 emissions. The portfolio includes rotors, which improve phasing performance, as well as highly durable chain wheels.
Straight and helical gear wheels
We develop and produce high-precision gear wheels and chain wheels for various engine and transmission applications as well as other applications with outstanding accuracy.
A range of hardening processes are used for these gears, depending on the specifications.
The product portfolio includes, for example, drive wheels for engine auxiliaries.
Moulded sintered parts
In addition to the product groups listed above, we also carry a large number of components for the widest range of applications. The portfolio includes, for example, belt wheels and belt tensioning systems, pinions, encoder wheels, selector arms and pawls, clutch parts, bolts, valve pins, synchroniser bodies and much more.